Roku Overheating: How To Stop It From Overheating?

When the Roku streaming is placed close to the electronic goods in an enclosed area, the ROKU OVERHEATING MESSAGE appears suddenly on the device. Looking for quick resolutions, right? 

Just read the solutions accurately and follow them, there are not very hard actions that you have to do. You can easily overcome Roku overheating issue on your own. 

Roku overheating

What Indicates The Roku Device Is Overheated?

There are two simple indications through which you can evaluate whether your Roku streaming player is overheated or not. Let us know what they are…

Warning Message

When your Roku device gets overheated, it shows an alert message on the screen “Your device is overheating” at the top right corner. Also, an exclamatory sign inside a red circle shows a danger signal.

Flashing Red LED

Basically, on the Roku streaming player, there is only a white LED that blinks but rarely turns red, which indicates that Roku is overused or overheated.

If something happens this same with your device then quickly look below for the instant solutions.

What To Do To Fix Roku Overheating Message?

Before sharing any solutions with you, we would like to WARN you from the unit, it can be hot to touch. So be careful, kindly follow the steps properly…

Unplug The Power Cable

At the very first, you have to disconnect all the wires connected to your streaming player. Before removing the wires, turn off the Roku streaming player manually (With the help of the Roku remote or Roku app).

When the screen goes blank, immediately unplug the wires connected with your streaming player. 

Find Perfect Location

You have to place your streaming player at a cool place. This helps your device not get overheated for a finite time. Also, you have to ensure to not place your streaming player in a closed place. 

Avoid direct sunlight rays to your device, this will cause damage to your player.

Connect The Cables

After giving a rest of around 10 t0 15 minutes you can turn on your device. Connect all the wires properly. Assure that the wires should be tightly connected to the ports or not be folded from anywhere. Lots of people made mistakes while connecting the cables. 

Turn Off The Device

If in case you are still facing the same issue “Roku Overheating” then at that time suddenly turn off the Roku tv. A white LED on Roku will show that you are completely free from the overheating issue.

Wait for around 15 to 20 minutes and after that again turn on the Roku streaming player. We are expecting that you will be out of this trouble.

Concluding The End

There you can now freely use your streaming player, hopefully, it will not cause any blunders to you. The steps shared in this post will surely be fruitful to you to overcome Roku overheating message that appears again and again on your streaming screen.

No error will cause trouble to you, continue again watching the series or what you want to.


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